DCTM has always realized the need for effective interface with industry and business and has undertaken the task of strengthening the relation with them under the CPPD. The Division is the bridge between the industry, the real world and the institute.
With the same goal last year, CPPD scheduled 38 corporate drives and 12 seminars for various departments of Engineering and Management. The Campus placement session saw major brands hiring like JBM, WIPRO, Munjal Kiriu, BOSE Music Systems, NetConnect, Innovar Digital, HCL Maintec, HCL TCS, Midas Group, NIRALA Group etc with offers for 109 Students in just a week.
The division has signed the following MoUs:
- Victora Tools & Engineering Pvt. Ltd. for consulting services and training & placements for students of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering.
- AIcorps Inc. for Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence for students of ECE and CSE
- SAP for ERP trainings for students of management & Computer Engineering.
- INDO Autotech for consulting services and training & placements for students of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering.
- Starwire India Pvt. Ltd. for training & placements for students of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering.
Like previous years the division continued tie-ups with many leading industry brands and their associates to embed special training programmes into the course curriculum as value added programmes. These programmes enable aspirants to be employed in core sector companies through pre-placement offers and paid internship programmes in the final year
Some of the major functional areas are as under:
- Industries Involvement in value addition programmes.
- Campus Placements.
- Guest Lectures.
- Industrial Trainings for the students.
- Industrial Visits.
- Student Projects.
- Training for the Faculty.
The department has state of art laboratory and workshop facilities with modern sophisticated equipment to give practical exposure to the students and carry out research in areas related to mechanical and industrial engineering.
Following are the major laboratories:
- Computer Aided Design Centre: Equipped with 30 computers, Solid works, CATIA, and AutoCAD software.
- Computer Aided Manufacturing Laboratory: Equipped with CNC lathe machine specially designed control software, 15 computers, Master CAM Software. Lathe machine is fitted with eight station automatic tool changer and automatic cooling and lubrication.
- Strength of Material and Material Science Testing Laboratory:Equipped with 40 ton capacity UTM with attachments for compressive, shearing, bending and tensile tests. Other machines include Izod-charpy impact testing machine, Brinell testing machine, furnace, polishing machine and metallurgical microscope, etc.
- Machine Shop: Equipped with six center Lathes, one drilling and one milling machine, horizontal surface and bench grinder, one shaperand power hacksaw
- Automobile Shop: Department has well equipped labs like Engine Testing, Vehicle Maintenance, Chassis Component, Engine Component etc.
- Heat Transfer Lab:
These are the major equipments which are in our HT lab Thermal Conductivity of Metal Rod Apparatus, Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Powder Apparatus, Thermal Conductivity of Guarded Hot Plate Apparatus, Pin Fin (Natural Convection) Apparatus, Pin Fin (Forced Convection) Apparatus, Forced Convection Apparatus, Emissivity measurement Apparatus, Parallel Flow counter Flow Heat Exchanger, Stefan Boltzmann Apparatus, Heat Pipe Apparatus. - Refrigeration And Air Conditioning:
In this lab major equipments are Vapour compressions Refrigeration Test Rig, Mechanical Heat Pump Trainer 1/3Tr,Air and Water Pump Trainer 1/3 TrCut Sectional Control Board of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning ,Air Conditioning Trainer Complete with Heating Cooling and Dehumidification & Humidification, Chilling Plant Test Rig with digital Meter. - Fluid Mechanics And Fluid Machinery Lab:
Major equipments of this lab are Bernoulli’s Theorem Apparatus, Reynolds Apparatus, Impact of Jet Vanes, Losses due to Sudden Enlargement & Contraction, Notches Apparatus, Pipe Friction Apparatus, Metacentric Height Apparatus, Losses in Various pipe Fitting, Determination CVCC & CD orifice meter, Closed circuit Centrifugal / Variable Speed Centrifugal Pump Test Rig, Closed Circuit Gear Oil Pump Test Rig, Closed Circuit Peloton Wheel Turbine 5hp,Closed Circuit Reciprocating Pump Test Rig,Francis turbine Test Rig 5H.P. Capacity.